Why moderation matters!

Have you ever woken up to declare that this is the day you're going to change your life? This is the day you're going to change your life and lead a fit and healthy lifestyle, right? Of course you have. Do you know what, you're not alone. We all have good intentions to make dramatic differences at various points in time and these sudden spurts of enthusiasm have often been building up inside for some time.

Female fitness is about wellness!

What does fitness mean to you? Is it just about statistics, measurements, and physical results? For many women fitness is about wellbeing. It's about taking a holistic approach to wellness to create a fit and healthy body and mind, and also a balanced lifestyle that complements your quest to feel great.

Setting a healthy example for life!

If you want to transform your life then what will see you succeed is if you strive for this for yourself and not just for others. However, a great motivation to get fit is to consider not just how it can impact your own life but also how it could inspire others around you too.

Biggest weight loss mistakes!

In a world of ever increasing weight gain, the way to lose weight can seem a far off destination that many people struggle to reach. It seems as if more research is looking at what causes someone to be overweight, aside from simply too much of the wrong foods.

Exercise to keep breast cancer away!

One in eight women in the US will develop invasive breast cancer in their lifetime. A statistic that is shocking enough to propel women to make sure they get checked out. One study suggests that another weapon in the fight against this disease is sport.

Health and fitness apps!

Whether you want to keep track of your fitness, lose weight or follow a more nutritional diet, you can support your journey to a healthier you with the latest in personal technology. Health and fitness apps have come a long way and can be a great add-on to training with real life coaches and being part of an exercise community.

Post-exercise no-nos!

You're putting in the effort and showing determination and what you expect are great results and to feel good too. If you're working out with a quality fitness routine then there's no reason you cannot head straight toward your goals. However, as with every journey there are pitfalls along the way and one danger zone is when you've finished your workout and you are at risk of undoing much of the hard work with post-exercise no-nos!

Making mistakes that are going to go against the benefits of your workout are easy to make but once you really consider them they are even easier to avoid too:

Snack and mealtime indulging: If you've ever come out of an exercise class or training session and immediately grabbed a sugary snack or a fattening meal then you're not alone.

Why really fit men stretch!

Real men run marathons, compete in Ironman championships, and lift bicep bulging weights. Real men sweat it out with cardio and cross training and meet the challenge of suspension training full on. What they don't do is stretch. This somewhat macho and archaic attitude is what some men consider a manly way of working out.