One in eight women in the US will develop invasive breast cancer in their lifetime. A statistic that is shocking enough to propel women to make sure they get checked out. One study suggests that another weapon in the fight against this disease is sport. Certainly, prevention is better than the cure, and changes in postmenopausal hormone therapy has helped curb the incidences of breast cancer too. And it goes without saying that with greater awareness comes earlier detection and a higher rate of recovery. Is it time to exercise to keep breast cancer away?
It is easy to think about exercise being good for your heart and general health. And many women enjoy training to get in shape and potentially lose weight too. Greater mobility and flexibility can really boost energy and confidence levels for a overall better quality of life.
Preventing life changing problems
However, activities can also help in challenging potentially life changing illnesses such as diabetes and, according to research which was presented recently at the 9th European Breast Cancer Conference by the International Prevention Research Institute in France, potentially breast cancer too. This consisted of analysis of 37 studies published from 1987 to 2013.
12% reduced risk
The results suggest that an hour of sport activity a day can reduce the risk of breast cancer by as much as 12%. These findings were also found irrespective of age and weight or geographical location. Another important point that was revealed was that this reduced risk didn't seem to lessen for women starting exercise at a later age. So this does suggest that even if you haven't always been active there's a really good reason to get fit now.
Positive protection potential
Although more research is undoubtedly needed in this area and the way in which exercise offers possible protection against certain health conditions, this latest research is certainly positive, as Professor Mathieu Boniol, Research Director at the French institute points out, "Adding breast cancer, including its aggressive types, to the list of diseases that can be prevented by physical activity should encourage the development of cities that foster sport by becoming bike and walk-friendly, the creation of new sports facilities, and the promotion of exercise through education campaigns."
Exercise for wellness
Regardless of the results of medical research and studies, women look to improve their health through balanced exercise and cardio workouts, as well as with a diet that is rich in vitamins and nutrients and not packed with saturated fats. Positive studies can really add a great element of motivation too, as women set and work towards their fitness goals. This includes being body and health aware and taking a holistic view with a healthy lifestyle that promotes longevity and a better quality of life.
If you're not already joining us and keeping fit then you might want to make some changes for the future and get in touch now. We can offer you expert guidance and the right type of support to get on a fitness path toward a healthier you.
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