First Defense will be hosting an Introduction to Krav Maga Course starting January 6. The classes will be Monday & Wednesday evenings at 7pm.
What we'll cover over the course:
*Basic Striking Using Hands, Elbows, Knees, & Legs
*Defending Strikes
*Releases from Chokes
*Releases from Headlocks
*Releases From Bearhugs
*Releases from Wrist Grabs
*Using Common Weapons for Self-Defense
*Defending Yourself on the Ground
*Dealing with Stress
*Developing the Proper Mental Attitude
Dates: January 6 - 29
Day/Time: Mondays & Wednesdays from 7-8pm
Cost: $247
(Discounts available for students and families)
For more information and for registration, check out our INFORMATION PAGE.