Ground Force Method Course

What is GFM? Ground Force Method is one of the best ways to stay healthy and mobile. It’s a great tool for pre-had and rehab, a great full body mobility and stability practice, and a great progressive strength, bodyweight training system, all in one.

Learn how to teach all that AND MORE to your clients and students! Go to https://tinyurl.

Team USA competes in Brazil

2019 Pan American Shuai Jiao Cup and Li Wing Kay Chinese Cultural Festival

This last October, I (Nick) traveled to Araraquara, Brazil (a few hours outside of Sao Paulo) to participate in the 2019 Pan American Shuai Jiao Cup. The last time I was in Brazil it was as a competitor.

Introduction to Krav Maga Course – January 2020

First Defense will be hosting an Introduction to Krav Maga Course starting January 6. The classes will be Monday & Wednesday evenings at 7pm.
What we'll cover over the course:

*Basic Striking Using Hands, Elbows, Knees, & Legs
*Defending Strikes
*Releases from Chokes
*Releases from Headlocks
*Releases From Bearhugs
*Releases from Wrist Grabs
*Using Common Weapons for Self-Defense
*Defending Yourself on the Ground
*Dealing with Stress
*Developing the Proper Mental Attitude

Dates: January 6 - 29
Day/Time: Mondays & Wednesdays from 7-8pm
Cost: $247
(Discounts available for students and families)

For more information and for registration, check out our INFORMATION PAGE.


October Intro to Krav Maga Course

First Defense will be hosting an Introduction to Krav Maga Course this October. The classes will be Monday & Wednesday evenings at 7pm.
What we'll cover over the course:

*Basic Striking Using Hands, Elbows, Knees, & Legs
*Defending Strikes
*Releases from Chokes
*Releases from Headlocks
*Releases From Bearhugs
*Releases from Wrist Grabs
*Using Common Weapons for Self-Defense
*Defending Yourself on the Ground
*Dealing with Stress
*Developing the Proper Mental Attitude

Dates: October 7 - October 3
Day/Time: Mondays & Wednesdays from 7-8pm
Cost: $249
(Discounts available for students and families)

For more information and for registration, check out our INFORMATION PAGE.

Women’s Introduction to Krav Maga

This seminar series introduces women to Krav Maga system of self-defense. Over 4 individual sessions, we will have an opportunity to practice techniques and tactics and apply self-protection concepts.

Register for all 4 Seminars for a special discounted price!
(*If you register with the link below, you do not need to register for each session individually*)


Week 1 (Fundamentals: Situational Awareness, Setting Boundaries)
Sunday, 09.29    1-3pm
In this week’s seminar, we will explore the concept of situational awareness and practice ways to de-escalate potentially dangerous situations.

Introduction to Krav Maga – Youth Program

A 4-Week Introduction to Krav Maga Self-Defense.

In September, FDKM is offering an Introduction Course for our Youth classes (Ages 8-10) and our Junior & Teen classes (Ages 11-15).

The Youth Course begins Wednesday, September 4th & the Junior/Teen Course begins Monday, September 9.

For more information and to register for the Course, please visit our Registration Page.

Intro to Krav Maga for Women

First Defense Krav Maga presents a 4 part Women's Krav Maga Seminar Series this September, October & November.

"Between 15 and 76 percent of women are targeted for physical and/or sexual violence in their lifetime"-

Each seminar in this 4 part series will focus on women specific threats and scenarios.

February Introduction to Krav Maga Course

February's Introduction to Krav Maga course begins on February 4th. Each class focuses on a specific theme or topic. From choke releases to protecting others, you will get a sampling of all that the system of KMG Krav Maga has to offer.

It is possible to compose like any ag ed specialist author may you merely have to keep practicing.

Kids (ages 4-7) February 4-Session Intro

First Defense's Krav Junior: Kid's Division will hold a 4 session Introduction for children between the ages of 5-7 from February 2nd-23rd. This special course will be held on Saturdays from 9 am- 9:30 am.

Our four session introductory for our youngest participants gives both parents and child an opportunity to experience what First Defense's Krav Junior program is about before joining our full program.

Seminar One-offs Series

Starting in 2019, First Defense will be hosting monthly seminars. These seminar "one-offs" are open to anyone - no experience required. If you are interested in training Krav Maga, but just cannot fit regular classes into your schedule, these seminars are for you.