7 reasons to start a running routine

Spring is here, and that means there’s no better time to add running to your exercise routine. While there are a lot of women out there who hate the mere thought of running, we know there are plenty of others on the fence about it. So if you’re teetering, don’t dismiss lacing up your sneakers and hitting the pavement just yet.

What's so great about planks?

Planks are in the top 10 of the best abdominal exercises to do, according to to the American Council on Exercise. There's no doubt about it that planks have become a go-to strength exercise which has great benefits for the whole body. If you have not yet harnessed the power of the plank then it is time to find out what's so great about them!
What is a plank?
A plank is what is known as an isometric exercise, which means that during contraction you do not change the angle of the joint or the muscle length.

Power up with strength training apps!

It's one thing to keep fit and to lead a healthy lifestyle, but it's quite another to train to with the aim of improving fitness in a specific way or to ensure a particular result. Take strength training for example, you may want to increase muscle power building any bulk; you might want to concentrate of bodybuilding as opposed to strengthening up your core muscles; or you may even want to build muscles so that you can burn fat more effectively and slim down.

How exercise gives women strength!

What makes a woman strong? Both physically and mentally, exercise can play a big part in promoting strength; this benefit promotes health and fitness. Beyond this, exercise can help inspire a way of life and an approach to life, as well as impact your perspective and view of yourself.

Understanding the pain barrier!

Pain is subjective; each of us has a certain threshold at which point the intensity of a stimulus is at a level where we perceive pain. In fitness, people talk about pushing beyond the pain barrier and working out outside your comfort zone. Certainly to achieve results you need to challenge yourself physically and mentally.

Why moderation matters!

Have you ever woken up to declare that this is the day you're going to change your life? This is the day you're going to change your life and lead a fit and healthy lifestyle, right? Of course you have. Do you know what, you're not alone. We all have good intentions to make dramatic differences at various points in time and these sudden spurts of enthusiasm have often been building up inside for some time.

Best of the best fitness men!

Every man on some level would love to be a sporting hero, or rise to a physical challenge and excel above and beyond. The ambitious, competitive, macho streak of single minded determination is lurking in even the most office-bound non-gym type of male.

Can exercise make you a better lover?

Nobody would ever deny the benefits of doing regular exercise. It keeps you trim and strong, stops you getting fat, gives you energy and reduces stress. Exercise can even improve your social life as you get out and about and meet people. One thing you might not have considered though is that getting sweaty can also be pretty sexy.