Stress and fatty foods slow women down!

Is stress making some women overweight? According to a recent study it could be. As if the fact that some foods make you put on weight isn't bad enough, now a new study suggests that stress can potentially exacerbate the effect of high-fat foods on women's bodies by slowing down metabolism and, as a result, speeding up weight-gain.

Give your motivation another boost!

Whether you're just starting out on a new fitness path, are well and truly set on an exercise regime or are on the final push towards achieving your goals, you need motivation to see you through. With the best will in the world, it is a motivating power that will inspire you to succeed and keep on going when the going gets a little tough.

Why moderation matters!

Have you ever woken up to declare that this is the day you're going to change your life? This is the day you're going to change your life and lead a fit and healthy lifestyle, right? Of course you have. Do you know what, you're not alone. We all have good intentions to make dramatic differences at various points in time and these sudden spurts of enthusiasm have often been building up inside for some time.

Biggest weight loss mistakes!

In a world of ever increasing weight gain, the way to lose weight can seem a far off destination that many people struggle to reach. It seems as if more research is looking at what causes someone to be overweight, aside from simply too much of the wrong foods.

Exercise to keep breast cancer away!

One in eight women in the US will develop invasive breast cancer in their lifetime. A statistic that is shocking enough to propel women to make sure they get checked out. One study suggests that another weapon in the fight against this disease is sport.

Post-exercise no-nos!

You're putting in the effort and showing determination and what you expect are great results and to feel good too. If you're working out with a quality fitness routine then there's no reason you cannot head straight toward your goals. However, as with every journey there are pitfalls along the way and one danger zone is when you've finished your workout and you are at risk of undoing much of the hard work with post-exercise no-nos!

Making mistakes that are going to go against the benefits of your workout are easy to make but once you really consider them they are even easier to avoid too:

Snack and mealtime indulging: If you've ever come out of an exercise class or training session and immediately grabbed a sugary snack or a fattening meal then you're not alone.

On the go? Don't let your diet go!

Grabbing a piece of toast as you rush out the door; a convenient bite to eat at your desk or in the car for lunch; snacking to avoid an afternoon lull; rustling up a quick dinner at night or flopping onto the sofa with a takeout. Does any of this sound familiar? It's easy to let time and daily work and chore demands ruin your set mealtimes but if you're on the go it's important to not let your diet go!

If you're so busy that food becomes either an afterthought or a fattening feast gorged in haste, then something has to give.

Personalizing personal training!

The beauty of a personal training session is that it's just that, 'personal'. Forget cookie cutter workouts and generic exercise plans: what better way to get fit than have your very own fitness guru at hand? With this type of workout gaining popularity, the number of Personal Trainers has increased.

Is school helping your child's health?

School is a massive influence on your children. It is at school that they first interact outside of their home environment, form their attitudes and learn about diet, exercise and lifestyle among other things. While you might promote a certain standard of living and approach to life at home, how can you be sure that schools are doing enough to benefit the health of your child? Recent proposals by the U. S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) highlight the need for rules to protect youngsters' diets at school.

Are you living the slimmer high life?

The higher up you live the slimmer you might be! It seems that your residential altitude level could indicate your obesity risk. However, before you swap your home for a condo up in the mountains, in a bid to rise above any weight problems, you might want to consider doing something a little more active in terms of exercise first!

Every day reports, research and evidence mounts announcing to the world how such and such a factor impacts your health, wealth and just about everything else inbetween.