Get ready to make changes in 2014?

It might still be November, just, but the New Year is fast approaching and rather than try and change your lifestyle for the better on the first day of January, why not plan ahead? In the final few weeks leading up to the end of 2013 make it the season to make positive change and get ready to start 2014 with some new, healthy improvements.

Cast your mind back to New Year last year. Did you start 2013 unprepared to really stick to resolutions? If you haven't quite achieved what you wanted to in terms of living a healthier life then learn from your mistakes. Often people find that a new year has begun and while they may have ideas about what differences they want to make, they are simply not equipped in the right way for success. Where there's a will there is a way but forethought and preparation counts for a lot too. You have time right now to make changes that will tide you over until the end of 2014 and beyond.

Write a wish list

There might be all sorts of changes you want to make in 2014 and some of these might be connected to a better, healthier lifestyle. Others may be connected to work, family life and relationships. Don't separate these out just yet. Get all your ideas down on paper and try to stick to concrete ideas. Lots of people would love to travel in space, and many might achieve it, but is this an immediate desire or more a flight of fancy?

Prioritize and organize

Next put your ideas into categories. Some may cross over or fit into a general category so this doesn't have to be overly rigid. It should get you thinking about the different areas of your life and the balance that you want to bring to it. In each category try and put your ideas into some type of priority order, or at least prioritize so that you don't have too long a list. You can't do everything so what are the more pressing concerns and ambitions?

Look at 'shoulds'

You need to acknowledge 'shoulds' to a certain extent and also dismiss them at the same time. On the one hand you are more likely to reach your 2014 goals if they are heartfelt rather ideas that you think you 'should' adopt. However, sometimes an outside perspective, just as the advice of a fitness expert can really open your eyes to where you 'should' be heading if you want to make a healthy impact on your life. Be real but don't feel overly pressured to conform to please everyone but yourself.

Research resolutions

When business leaders are trying to come up with insightful, creative solutions they don't just focus on their end game. They research, brainstorm and generally give some thought to possible ways in which they can achieve their aim. Your lifestyle in 2014 is your project now so treat it with the same forethought. What are your options? Which types of training is available and in what type of environment? Look at when and how often, as well as affordability. Get the facts so you can make a clear decision. In other words, get in touch with us!

Create strategies for 2014

Once you have some ideas to play around with, you need to develop a plan of action. Look at other factors in your life that might be changing in the coming year. Of course, you cannot predict events but you may have some idea of what's on the slate in terms of family and career. How can and will your goals fit into that picture. If you don't have a clear strategy that involves an element of flexibility, you will flounder at the start.

Start making changes now

If you want a different future, the best way to achieve that is to start living that life now. While you're not going to initiate your fitness strategy right now, you can dip your toe in the water. Sign up for training and classes. Make contact and try out a sample exercise session. It is only by putting your ideas into practice that you can finely tune them and add in extra elements.

Are you ready for change in 2014? Get in touch and we will help you create a clear plan of action that will see you springing into a positive lifestyle from the start.

Published with permission from FitnessAdvisory. Source.

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