Getting an effective exercise routine started may be one of the healthiest things you can do for yourself - but it could also be one of the hardest things you ever do, too. With our busy schedules and hectic lives, squeezing in a workout session can often be difficult. Many people simply give up after a few weeks, or even days, of working out. So if you don’t want to become a quitter, here are some tips that will not only help you get started with your exercise routine, but also help you stick to it.
Set realistic goals
Don’t bargain on losing 10 pounds or achieving those six-pack abs in just one month. In reality, nothing much is achieved during your first few days of working out, except perhaps sore muscles and exhaustion, but you will feel better about yourself. Creating unrealistic goals won’t help - they will only put you off exercising when you’re not getting the results you want from your efforts. Those first few sessions are about getting into a routine.
Instead of expecting quick results, you should focus on setting realistic, concrete, and measurable goals. Try keeping an exercise calendar to schedule what you have to do each day and track your progress.
Find a companion
Sticking with your regular workout routine can be difficult. That’s why having a friend who shares the same fitness passion and goals that you do can help keep you motivated. This way, you and your friend can encourage and push one another to exercise each day. Surrounding yourself with like-minded individuals will make working out much easier, and there’s a much higher chance you'll make the transition into a daily routine.
Start off small
There’s no need to train for a full 90-minute session on your very first workout - it is simply too exhausting. Instead of going hard on yourself, you should first build a good workout habit by taking things slowly. Remember, the goal is to get started and to stick with your exercise routine, so don’t worry too much about performance at this stage.
Don’t make excuses
It’s very easy to cheat your way out of exercise by making excuses like telling yourself you’re too busy, you don’t have time, or it’s too late in the evening - the list goes on. But the truth is, people who exercise on a daily basis have the very same obligations, and yet they’re able to carve out time for a good workout session every day.
Coming up with reasons to skip exercise isn’t going to get you anywhere. If you’re short on time, try exercising in the morning, or doing some workouts during lunchtime or even while you’re at work. Too tired? Split your routine into shorter sessions. It’s important to be committed to your fitness goals, so drop those excuses and get to work!
Mix it up
Doing the same types of workouts over and over again can quickly get boring. When you feel the motivation and excitement draining away each time you think about your routines, take that as a signal that you need to diversify your workouts. You can add new activities or different kinds of exercises to your routine to keep things fresh.
Staying true to your fitness routine requires willpower and commitment. In order to achieve the best results possible, you need an effective workout program designed specifically to suit your body and fitness levels. Are you looking to make exercise a regular routine in life? If so, get in touch with our fitness experts today and we’ll be happy to help.
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