It is part of festive tradition to see New Year as a time to make plans for change. New Year resolutions are usually concerned with lifestyle changes; giving up bad habits, being healthier, creating a life that is happier, and being nicer to others. Health and fitness usually dominate plans and if you feel 2015 is the year to initiate positive change in your life, then make sure you don't make any classic New Year’s fitness resolution mistakes!
Even if you use the first couple of weeks of January 2015 devising plans to change for the year ahead, it doesn't matter. There's no rule that says you have to turn your life round on New Year's Day, or else you fail. However, whilst it is a busy time of year, take some alone-time to really focus on new ideas, so that your resolutions don't fail. Here's what not to do:
Don't decide about life-changes on the go - We all have thoughts whizzing around the recesses of our minds constantly and you may have gone over and over changes that you know you would like to make. However, don't let this fool you into thinking you totally know yourself. Find some alone time where you can give yourself some head space to really let ideas flow and let the quiet voice we all have inside all of us speak out about what might be best for the future.
Don't follow others instead of yourself - Name 10 common New Year's resolutions; easy isn't it? In part that's because many people face the same challenges and situations in life and therefore make the same lifestyle fails. While it might be reassuring to know you are not alone in your flaws or weaknesses, we are not all carbon copies. It is important that you allow your individuality to define future change and don't just adopt what you know is expected of you. Yes, you might come up with some classic resolutions but be a leader in your own life in 2015, not a follower.
Don't create a mantra without a motive - Kids used to rote learn at school but now there's much more emphasis on understanding and analysis. Look at the bigger picture of how a resolution will impact your life, as well as the smaller details about why you want to make a particular change. These reasons provide the motivation that will keep you on track.
Don't keep your resolutions in your mind only - It you have some changes in mind for 2015 then reinforce these ideas by putting your plans down on paper. Make a list of your resolutions and keep this list somewhere you are going to see it everyday. This way you will relate to your resolutions far more and 'own' them. Chances of success are far greater this way!
Don't overload, over-stretch or over-simplify - Once you start to think about change it can be amazing just how much you could transform. However, the danger then is that you go over the top and overwhelm yourself to the point of failure. You will find that many resolutions inter-link, so group these together. For example, when it comes to health and fitness you might want to focus on resolving to exercise regularly. On the flip side, don't be too vague either as otherwise your resolutions become woolly and lack any real definition. Another point to make here is that you also do not want to be setting the bar too high. If you have never run in your life, is it likely you will be running a marathon by the end of the month? Possibly not! Find firm, middle ground which anchors your resolutions and your motivation.
Don't ignore the way and only focus on the will - When deciding on what you want it's essential to consider how you are going to get that. You may not have all the finer points pinned down, but some type of strategy is needed. In terms of your exercise regime, a good plan of action is to get in touch with us and find out what support and facilities we can offer you, so your resolutions for 2015 are realized! What are you waiting for?
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