5 Tips to deflect negativity!

Negativity can get you down and when you are making a valiant attempt to make healthy changes to your life, it can also slow you down and create an uphill struggle. Of course, you can simply try and battle your way through the negative obstacles in your way but you might save energy and get further if you confidently and proactively find ways to deflect negativity successfully!

You don't have to bounce around with a big grin on your face every time you work out - although with us we wouldn't blame you! - but you do need to keep motivation levels up and this means feeling positive about what you can achieve and how you are going about it. Start to make beneficial changes to support your health and fitness levels and you will find that positive actions attract positivity.

However, where there is light there is often dark and whether it is the occasional hurdle an internal issue or an outside influence, negativity can lurk and threaten to undo your determination and commitment to your fitness journey. Here are 5 tips on how to deflect negativity as you embark on reaching your fitness goals:

  1. Recognize negativity from within - Are you your own worst enemy? Being aware of how, when and why you might sabotage your good efforts helps you turn negative input into positive change in your life.
  2. Expect family and friends to be affected by changes in you - No woman is an island and when you start to make changes then you inevitably start to change in the eyes of those close to you...and sometimes they might not like it. Children and even partners can feel threatened but you can make them part of a bigger picture to inspire healthy change for you all.
  3. Don't seek approval - You are accountable for your own health and wellbeing and it is easy to have an opinion about what someone else should or should not do in their life. Get professional advice to help create an exercise and nutrition plan and go for it.
  4. Focus on your goals - Whenever you feel your resolve weakened along the way, reach over, above and beyond negativity and concentrate on the end result and what you are putting the effort in to achieve.Determination, focus and commitment can make negativity crumble.
  5. Make lifestyle changes - Start to adopt a healthier, more active lifestyle, and before you know it, these positive efforts will become an everyday norm and such an intrinsic part of your life that they will not be vulnerable to negativity and instead be an integral part of who you are and how you live your life. The more positive changes you make, the less likely negativity, from any quarters, is going to take a hold.

Next month find out more ways to deflect negativity to live a more confidently healthy and positive way.

Published with permission from FitnessAdvisory. Source.

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