Do you want to move forward with your fitness in 2014? It might be a case of carrying on from a positive 2013, or perhaps you want to put the excesses and fitness failings of the past year behind you? To get ready for the next chapter, look at where you've gone right as well as where you've gone wrong. Use this valuable insight to shape what the future could potentially hold.
While it is vital that you don't get stuck in a rut if you want to move forward in life, there's nothing wrong with a little healthy reflection from time to time. Going round the same old ground is very different than taking a good look at your life with the benefit of perspective. Before you wave goodbye to 2013, whether you are glad to see the back of it or sorry to see it go, take time to look at how you are living your life. What do you want to take with you into 2014? What do you want to leave behind? What new adventures and activities do you want to experience?
Take something with you
Jot down on a piece of paper what aspects of your life this year you really cherish, enjoy and benefit from. These don't have to be fitness related but do focus on your lifestyle too. What do you do day-to-day that you would like to carry on with after New Year? Think about any changes you made in 2013 that were beneficial. Perhaps you started a new job or relationship that means you have more time and inclination to enjoy activities on the weekends, or maybe you quit a bad habit and want to continue with that.
Leave something behind
To progress you inevitably need to develop and evolve. This means leaving behind excess baggage. What area of your lifestyle could be left in the past? Maybe there's a bad habit or diet that has really had its day and needs to be abandoned in 2014, or perhaps you have outgrown a certain way of life. Decide on what you would like to draw a line under for the year ahead and write it down to make the idea more concrete.
Don't just repeat resolutions
Did you have a resolution at the beginning of 2013 that you haven't managed to achieve? Is it a repeat resolution that comes into sight each January? Forget 'should have, would have, could haves' and don't just roll out the same old ideas each season. Look at what changes you actually want to make and have an idea of why so that you are acknowledging some level of motivation. Reflect on what's important to you and make your resolutions for 2014 personal rather than predictable. Perhaps an idea you once had is no longer relevant. By letting it go you make way for other fresh ideas to come forward.
What's going to be different in 2014?
Circumstances change and so do lifestyles, ambitions and your ideas about what's important. While reflecting on 2013 take a look at what is going to impact 2014 too. Your age, health or a physical change, may impact how you feel about your lifestyle and your fitness regime. For example, hitting 40 can be a real crossroads for some, while having a child changes a woman's body and recovery from illness or injury can affect everybody. Upcoming events such as a social occasion or a planned charity run, may inspire the need for change too.
Try something new
Promise yourself that you will try a new activity in 2014. You could even write a list for the year and tick them off as you go along. Bring in ideas about fitness and exercise into this thinking too. Is this the year that you will finally do such and such a sport, or run a certain distance? You don't necessarily need to fulfil a lifelong ambition but rather be open to new adventures, not really knowing where they might lead.
Do you need some inspiration for 2014? Get in touch!
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