Can you imagine life without your smartphone? The state-of-the-art technology that is the smartphone delivers entertainment, information, social interaction and connectivity to the Internet. What's even more amazing is that all this tech wizardry is packaged in a small, portable device. So, there's no reason why is should affect how active and fit you there? After all, the whole idea behind smartphones is that they promise to connect you wherever you are, while you're on the go. However, a new study suggest your smartphone use might be making you unfit!
Could there by a link between how much you use your smartphone and how active you are? Apparently there might be. The more time you spend downloading and using the Internet the less likely you might be to lead an active life. A College of Education, Health and Human Services at Kent State University study focused on college aged phone users. The research findings suggest that high use did correlate with a more sedentary lifestyle. This suggests that at times when participants could have been doing something active, they were possibly choosing to do something online on their smartphone instead.
If you feel that your cellphone and the growing accessibility of technology is leading to a change in lifestyle for the worse then maybe it's time to log off and start being more active offline and in life instead. Of the 300 students involved in the study, the average daily use was around five hours, with some of the group spending an exhaustive, yet inactive 14 hours a day glued to their phones. If your smartphone is adversely affecting your activity levels then it's time to ring in the changes.
Dedicated no phone time - Do you remember in the not too distant past when people were suffering from Blackberry thumb from repetitive use? The power of the smartphone is certainly as strong at keeping you focused on your cellphone screen. Choose specific times of the day to leave your phone behind or simply turn it off. That doesn't mean switch it to a low ring or vibrate but actually to power down. Use this time to do something active instead.
Fitness apps - Since you're spending a lot of time online anyway, why not try downloading some fitness apps. There are so many to choose from and you might be motivated to at least integrate physical pursuits with your love of all things tech. From handy diet and nutrition tips, to apps which set you challenges and allow you to track your workouts, there's a lot of encouragement and inspiration to get fit.
Only boring people get bored - And you're not boring are you? Next time you're idle don't turn instantly to the easiest source of interest and interaction, your smartphone. Value the opportunity to do something active. It doesn't have to be a full-on cardio session but at least move and expend some energy so that you don't stagnate.
Look around you and get involved - Have you ever seen someone walking past the most amazing backdrop and instead of soaking up the scenery and immersing themselves in the atmosphere, they are oblivious, and fixated on their smartphone. Make an effort to take in where you are and be in the present moment where you are at. This way you might be more inclined to be more physically and mentally connected. You might be motivated to take a longer walk or
Don't slow down - Ever been walking along and a message comes through on your smartphone so you slow down to read it, only to come to a grinding halt? Even if you don't let your smartphone stop you doing something more active, it might seriously lessen the rate you move at, which could have a knock-on effect on your activity levels and ultimately your fitness levels.
Switch your smartphone overuse with a smart approach to fitness. Drop us a line and we'll plug you into an exercise strategy.
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