7 reasons to start a running routine

Spring is here, and that means there’s no better time to add running to your exercise routine. While there are a lot of women out there who hate the mere thought of running, we know there are plenty of others on the fence about it. So if you’re teetering, don’t dismiss lacing up your sneakers and hitting the pavement just yet.

Muscle soreness and working out

Doubling as a badge of honor, soreness is physical proof that you really pushed yourself and got out of bed for a workout. It might be normal for newbies to experience soreness after their first trip to the gym but for veterans that swear by the "no pain, no gain" mindset might want to reconsider.

Electrolytes: necessity or accessory?

Electrolytes are in the colorful, tasty sport drinks that help you through your workout. They also remind you of how athletes would treat themselves after crossing the finish line. But how big of a part do they play in unleashing the workout beast? Before marching towards the vending machine, here are a few things you should know about electrolytes.

Exercises for menopausal women

Hot flashes, anxiety, depression. These are some of the symptoms of menopause. When you’re experiencing them on a daily basis, it can feel totally overwhelming, and many women find it difficult to cope. So what can you do? While it may sound surprising, exercise can really help.

How not to embarrass yourself during pilates

There was a time when pilates classes seemed exclusively the domain of women, which is strange as the creator, Joseph Pilates was very much a man's man, and was not only a bodybuilder but also a self defense trainer who developed this technique to help everyone become stronger and fitter.

Best exercises for your body shape

If you’re an exercise enthusiast, you know that there’s no such thing as a one-size-fits-all exercise plan. All our bodies are built differently, meaning that you need to customize your workout plans to best suit your body shape and yield optimum results.

Why Women SHOULD bench press

Despite what you have been told countless times, women should be completing the simple, yet important, bench press. It’s hard to determine where the notion that women shouldn’t do this lift came from, but it is simply not true. Let’s take a look at some of the myths surrounding the bench press and why women can benefit by adding it to their fitness routine.

Everyday habits of healthy and fit women

There is a lot of information out there about the best practices for women to stay fit and healthy. Simply Google “health and fitness tips” and you’ll quickly have millions of articles at your disposal, each suggesting different ideas, diets and exercise routines to stay fit and healthy.

Exercises to lose cellulite on your butt

As us ladies start to age, our bodies don’t look as sleek and sexy as they did in our early 20’s. A common problem area that seems to get bigger (sometimes literally!) is our butt which in many women can be affected by unsightly cellulite - especially after childbirth.