Why exercise with your significant other

Many people exercise alone. A quick look around at the gym will verify this as you notice solo runners on the treadmill and muscly dudes moving across the free weight floor. The truth is a lot of us don’t consider bringing a friend to the gym. But why not? And why not bring one of the most important people in your life - your significant other? Exercising with your partner can be rewarding and offers some notable benefits.

Is body image ruining some men's lives?

You're so vain, you probably think this article's about you, don't you? Well, if you do, then perhaps you're one of those men who are glancing back in the mirror and asking, as many women who've gone before them have, "does my behind look big in this?" The problems potentially arise though when concern about how you look turns into a bad body image.

Can exercise make you a better lover?

Nobody would ever deny the benefits of doing regular exercise. It keeps you trim and strong, stops you getting fat, gives you energy and reduces stress. Exercise can even improve your social life as you get out and about and meet people. One thing you might not have considered though is that getting sweaty can also be pretty sexy.