How to stick to your fitness resolutions

The new year is the perfect time to start thinking about fitness resolutions. Everyone can make them, but the problem is that not many people end up going through with what they set out to do. In fact, some may even break them off before they’ve got started. Whether it’s losing weight, getting in shape, or just generally becoming healthier, resolutions often just don’t seem to stick for very long. So let us help. Here we've provided some tips to help you stick to your resolutions and achieve your fitness goals.

Start slowly

Most people set unrealistic goals and high expectations when they’re just starting out. This is a mistake, of course. Imagine your new year plan is to run for 30 minutes a day, five days a week. This is a great aim but if you've never run before, you are risking great injury if you expect to hit those sort of exercise levels from day one. What's more, you'll find this target near impossible to achieve, putting you off before you've really even begun.

The key is to start off slowly and take it step by step. Try setting realistic goals over an extended period of time. This will allow your body and mind to gradually get used to your fitness routine, making it less likely that you will get injured and more likely for you to achieve results.

Find a workout buddy

Starting out on your fitness journey alone can be overwhelming, and it’s all too easy to skip a session of working out to curl up on the couch at home. But if you have a planned appointment with a fitness partner, chances are you’ll stick to your workout resolution because it’s a lot harder to let someone else down than it is yourself. Time will also pass quickly when you exercise with someone, and even the most rigorous workouts can become more enjoyable.

Keep things fresh

Do you have a resolution that’s something like “exercise four times a week” or “do weight training for at least 10 minutes every day”? If so, it’s time to get creative and think beyond the treadmill and dumbbells. Having only one or two types of workout on your routine is a surefire way to ensure you ditch your fitness resolution.

Instead of sticking to a boring routine, experiment with yoga, kettlebells, team sports, and everything in between. The more variety in your fitness program, the more fun and challenging it will be to follow.

Write a workout journal

One of the reasons people fail with their fitness resolution is because they can’t maintain the healthy habit in the beginning, the most difficult and important stage. That’s why you should keep a workout journal to track your progress and record key metrics such as weight, number of repetitions, and time spent on each workout. Write down specific goals and compare your results each day to make sure you’re moving in the right direction - you’ll find it’s a great motivator.

Buy some new gear

Buy yourself some new workout gear, such as cool running shoes, a sweatshirt, a yoga mat, or a workout bag. These are just some ideas, but they can be anything that gets you excited about exercise. Investing in something as simple as a new workout shirt can spark up your motivation and help you stick to the workout plan, and it will also help you prove to yourself that you’re taking your resolution seriously.

The bottom line is that you should have a fitness resolution that’s both realistic and attainable. What are your workout goals for 2016? Get in touch with our fitness experts today, and we’ll help you make them a reality!

Published with permission from FitnessAdvisory. Source.

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